The Daily Transformation

I haven’t been feeling particularly inspired with regards to what to write these past couple of days (hence the lack of posts).

So today we have:

Fae: First Thing in The Morning, After Breakfast:

As you can see, I’m not really a morning person. This is the opposite of J, who is sickeningly über chipper in the morning. This can drive me to distraction somewhat.

(I must note that I didn’t actually have my coffee this morning. I can’t recall what distracted me, but the coffee went cold, and I couldn’t be bothered reheating it.)

And… BOOM!!

It’s like I’m a completely differently person!! I certainly feel like a different person once the transformation is complete.

It’s amazing what adding eyebrows can do for someone’s appearance. I have naturally blonde eyebrows, so I have become quite apt at penciling them on each morning. It also means I always have to make sure I have an eyebrow pencil in my handbag in case I end up staying the night somewhere.

While I generally have pretty average skin with regards to acne etc, I am blessed with it being pretty clear at the moment, and I love my beauty spot and freckles.

So now you know what it’d be like to be on a sleep-over with me 😛